Social Studies

The Capital School District Social Studies Curriculum provides opportunities for students to learn to value and understand democratic beliefs and behavior and encourages them to act responsibly in our global community.  The curriculum is aligned with state and national standards and addresses concepts in civics, economics, geography, and history. Students use tools such as maps, globes, timelines, charts and other geo-graphics to learn about our world. Studying both primary and secondary resources such as artifacts, diaries, photographs, and newspaper accounts enables students to research topics, understand a variety of cultures and peoples, and analyze the causes and effects of events from the past to the present. Teachers use research-based practices and materials to create lessons that engage students in rich content while building skills in research, source evaluation, supporting their thoughts with evidence, using primary and secondary source documents and developing and supporting their ideas about their world. Students use technology resources, work both independently and collaboratively with peers often using multiple sources to produce a product. Reading, writing and interpreting data for a variety of purposes, speaking confidently, and listening effectively are all very important parts of lessons in the Social Studies classroom. 

Delaware DOE State Standards for Social Studies

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