Gifted and Talented

Student placement in Gifted and Talented Services begins with the universal screening of every student followed by an Identification process to determine if gifted and talented services are necessary to meet a students cognitive and affective educational needs.

Specially designed instruction is provided to identified gifted learners to meet individual student cognitive and affective needs. The identification process is dynamic, completed over time, and includes multiple formal and informal measures gathered in a variety of settings. A matrix of student data is developed to inform the identification process. Age-appropriate services in gifted education are designed beginning in grade two through opportunities in problem solving and project-based learning. These experiences are designed to uncover some of the unique needs of learners. Typically the process for identifying students who may be gifted begins in grade two.  Identified gifted students in third and fourth grades are then recommended for participation in Accelerated Curriculum and Technology (ACT) or The Alternative Learning Program for High Achievers (ALPHA).  Students in ALPHA receive an accelerated academic program in a separate setting with a compacted general education curriculum in all content areas. Each student is given instruction on his/her appropriate level and at a pace designed to best meet individual needs. In addition, personalized enrichment and extension activities are provided to broaden the curriculum and develop the gifted learner’s unique abilities.  ACT activities are designed to provide appropriate levels of academic challenge in addition to the general classroom instruction. Students who participate in ACT develop higher-level thinking and creativity skills enhanced with technology. Students in ACT meet regularly in small groups to work on projects and activities.

Middle grades Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) services are provided using the grade-level curriculum with instruction that is specially designed to meet the needs of highly able learners.

Students in middle grades 5 through 8 who have been identified as gifted learners are grouped in classes with students who have similar educational needs for core (English language arts and mathematics) academic classes. Class instruction in GATE classes is provided by teachers who have been trained in lesson delivery that is specifically tailored to meeting the needs of gifted learners.

Dover High School offers accelerated academic, elective and Advanced Placement courses designed to provide college level rigor and credit opportunities with participation based on each student’s strengths and interests. There are opportunities for Advanced Placement Courses in the arts. 

We are proud of our comprehensive vision to serve all students, including those who require gifted services, to further meet the needs of our students we provide K-12 opportunities in the visual performing arts and athletics.  The Visual Performing Arts Gifted (VPAG) Program offered at Dover High School builds on the related arts experiences that begin in Kindergarten provides exploration and increased opportunities for specialization through the grades.  

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