Each year, schools engage in the School Success Planning process.
The goal of this process is to develop a prioritized plan constructed by building-level teams to establish short and long-term goals for schools that are aligned to school and district desired outcomes within the Strategic Plan. The plan includes areas of focus with performance targets, implementation strategies, timelines, and related costs.

Steps in the School Success Planning Cycle:
Identify School Success Planning Leadership Team-
A diverse leadership team is created to analyze building data; create, monitor, and revise the School Success Plan; and assist in communicating the plan, eliciting feedback, and reporting progress to stakeholders.
Complete Needs Assessment-
The leadership team analyzes academic, behavior, and school climate data to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement.
Write School Success Plan-
The leadership team creates a School Success Plan based on the needs assessment to establish building priorities aligned to identified needs and the district strategic plan. The document includes a budget and measurable outcomes.
Review and Refine School Success Plan Draft-
The building leadership team shares the School Success Plan draft with the district team for continued collaboration and refinement of the plan.
Engage in School Success Plan Edits-
The school leadership team makes edits as a result of the collaboration with the district team.
Communicate School Success Plan-
The leadership team communicates building priorities to all stakeholders (staff, parents, students). As the year progresses, the building staff with support from the leadership team, communicate progress towards goals and make changes to the School Success Plan as needed.
Click Here to View the Current School Success Plans